Friday, May 8, 2009

"Welcome in Egypt"

"The Arab Republic of Egypt" is now, with 80 millions of people, one of the most crowded country of the Middle East. Specially if you think that sand and rocks represent 99% of the country !

With more than one million of "new" Egyptian every years, the population increases to quickly for the country and this very high concentration of people in such a small area causes a lot of problems in terms of organisation.

The capital, Cairo - Al Qahirah - is the best example.
Around 20 millions of people and it's just a big MESS, nothing is working as it should or maybe just the mosques ...

  • If you think that Paris or London are busy, noisy, crowded and dirty : come in Cairo !
  • If you don't like to spend one hour in the traffic jam or in the subway in Europe because you're packed : come in Cairo !
  • If you've got problems to breathe with the pollution in our "big" cities : come in Cairo !
  • If you find our trains slow and their toilets dirty : come to try our...

Typically, living in Cairo is like living in a world without any rules like Mad Max where you can do almost what you want...

BUT !!!
There is something that you will never find in our big cities, it's REALLY welcoming people with you, just because you're a tourist. Egyptians ARE friendly - when there are not from the Muslim Brothers - ...

1 comment:

  1. If you think that's hard to fin a girlfriend in Pontarlier : come in Cairo!
